Laudato Si' Goal #2

Pope Francis says to us: "We are faced not with two separate crises, one environmental and the other social, but rather with one complex crisis which is both social and environmental" (LS 139).
A global look it is needed. An integral approximation to combat poverty, to work for the dignity and right of the people in exclusion, at the same time that taking care of the nature. In every moment, any approach towards the care of the Creation, any ecological view always becomes in a social view, which have to integrate justice into the environmental policies, to listen at the same time the call of the Earth and the call of the poor.
In his encyclic, Pope Francis make a call to all the Church and all good-will people to recognize the urgency of our environmental challenge and to remember that the poorest places in the world are also the most vulnerable to environmental degradation and its populations are the most affected by its effects. This is a global bigger challenge since 2015, year of the publication of the encyclic.
Laudato si' manifests in a clear way, that there is a huge connexion between poorer people and the strengthening of the climate conditions. That is why nowadays, the option for the poor, basic in the Gospel, it has to be also a key option for the Earth. For the Christian believers, the care of the Earth, is a question of justice and solidarity with the poorer people. The defence of the environment is today a choice made also for the poor as the Creation is common for everyone, which implies the affirmation of the universal destiny of the goods and the defence of the Creation which is the most basic and universal common good.
Change your habits
Look the Yurimaguas or Sarayaku video and write a support message to the leaders of these communities. We will give it to them.
The Minimum Basic Income is 461 euros/month for a home of one person. Calculate your monthly expending's per month, divide them between 30 days and calculate how many days you could live with this MBI.