The encyclical letter Laudato Si', written in May 2015, is the main contribution that Pope Francis gives to the international community about the problem of the sustainable development and the care of the Creation. It is inside a wide doctrinal line which began with Pope Paul VI, when in 1967 he wrote the encyclic Populorum Progressio. Here, he talked about the concept of 'integral development' which precisely Pope Francis talked again, this time proposing an 'integral ecology', which means, environmental, economic, social, cultural and daily life ecology (LS 138-155).
The encyclic Laudato Si': about the care of the common home is the first pontifical document of the history that explicitly addresses the environmental issue as a moral question. A question that tries to find its answer on the proposal of the 'integral ecology' (LS 137-162). Pope Francis talks us in the text about the human ecology, the ecology in the daily life, economic, social and environmental ecology, etc. But the expression which contain all these dimensions is the integral ecology.
The Laudato Si' Goals, which are presented next, are a way to measure the integral ecology in the spirit of the encyclic Laudato Si'.