Time for restoration and joy

The worldwide celebration of the Time of Creation began in 1989 with the recognition by the Ecumenical Patriarchate of the World Day of Prayer for Creation. Since then, every year it continues to grow in strength in the different religious confessions, making it an opportune time to travel on ecumenical paths.
In 2020, from September 1 to October 4, we are offered a space in the Season of Creation "to reflect on the integral relationship between rest for the earth and ecological, economic, social and political forms of life. This year in particular, the need for just and sustainable systems has been revealed by the far-reaching effects of the global pandemic of COVID-19". The theme chosen for this time is the Earth Jubilee.
In ancient times, the people of Israel viewed the Jubilee as a special time for all creation, the fruit of the wisdom of experience and connection with all living things: "You shall declare the fiftieth year holy, and you shall proclaim liberty on earth for all its inhabitants. It will be a jubilee for you" (Leviticus 25, 10). They allowed the restoration of the earth's systems and the recovery of a primary balance for a healthy existence.
From the pandemic in which we still find ourselves, we recognize that it is urgent to set out on the road to a more sustainable and just world. The old normality has revealed to us how unfeasible life is if we do not change our daily habits.
From Engage for Justice we contribute with the campaign "If you take care of the planet, fight poverty" to make proposals for a new model of development, from the spirit of the Laudato Si'. Therefore, we invite you to work on the Laudato Si' goals (LSG) during this time dedicated to the care of Creation and to make at least one change in your lifestyle in favour of Creation, which can be shared on social networks and on the padlet that appears after this text.
The Jubilee for Earth is a time of liberation, restoration, redemption, cancellation of the debt to the earth. Therefore, in this Time of Creation, let us celebrate it!
Celebrate Creation and share it!
Measure your contribution to the integral ecology with the Laudato si' Goals https://www.enlazateporlajusticia.org/lsg