Laudato Si' Goal #5

Education is fundamental to achieving the proposed goals. Environmental or ecological education is a life-long process that aims to impart environmental awareness, ecological knowledge and attitudes and values towards the environment in order to make a commitment to actions and responsibilities that aim at the rational use of resources and thus to achieve adequate and sustainable development.
Walking the path of awareness means making ourselves and our surroundings aware of problems related to the environment. We can provide knowledge to help interest and take action through a change in attitudes that allow us to acquire the will to conserve it. And, finally, in this learning itinerary we can have the capacity to participate and develop a sense of responsibility to take appropriate action.
In our communities and families, we must stimulate and encourage contact with the natural world in order to develop a spirit of admiration, praise, joy and gratitude towards our "sister earth".
In our parish we can promote creation-centred liturgical celebrations that help us to reflect on and value the care of the common home. We should see integral ecology as a process that, through our spiritual formation, has a presence in catechesis, prayer spaces, retreats or formation.